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Help children and families in need.

The emergency rooms of the Dominican Republic are inundated with over 3,500 people every week who need treatment due to drinking infected water. Every day worldwide, nearly 1,000 children under 5 die from preventable diseases related to contaminated water.
Lack of access to clean water can also lead to economic hardship as more time is spent seeking and retrieving water instead of attending work or school. Thus, the lack of clean water perpetuates the cycle of poverty.
For a small gift of $17, you have the ability to provide one family with CLEAN WATER by supplying them with a water filter and bucket that purifies 360 gallons of water a day for decades to come.
$17 – clean water for 1 family
$34 – clean water for 2 families
$51 – clean water for 3 families

What if chickens, goats and fish were not only locally-available and reasonably-priced for the consumer, but also provided jobs for nationals and funded church plants? El Cibao has been one of the Dominican Republic’s key agricultural regions for decades, and although it is one of the most fertile areas of the country, it has suffered severe land degradation due to misuse.
Our goal at M2535’s Community of Hope farm is to utilize sustainable farming practices, such as aquaponics, to supply high-quality products of tilapia, chicken, goat, pig, and papaya to communities lacking access to fresh, reasonably-priced food. We employ nationals to work the farm, and proceeds are reinvested back into the farm and also used to plant churches in the surrounding areas.
Your gift towards FOOD SUSTAINABILITY will have a positive impact on the physical and spiritual health and economic well-being of generations of future Dominicans by providing for the following things: • Chickens and fed for them • Goats and fed for them • Fish and fed for them • Pigs and fed for them • Seeds for Papaya • Solar power batteries, inverters for solar power, and solar panels to run the electricity on the farm and produce enough energy to be self-sustaining and free from paying the high Dominican prices of electricity • Other equipment and supplies needed for the farm
$25, $50, $75, $150,
*Please consider a monthly gift to have a long-term impact on the people of the Dominican Republic.

Inequality in access to education, especially in rural areas, is a primary concern for those living in the Dominican Republic. The average Dominican older than 15 has attended less than 8 years of school. Studies show that education is key to overcoming poverty, so M2535’s Community of Hope has a Vocational Technical school open to all offering studies in areas such as: • Jewelry making • Beautician training • Wood working & furniture manufacturing • Welding • Computers & Technology.
Your gift to EDUCATION & JOB TRAINING will provide Dominican adults the resources and skills needed to earn higher wages, educate their own children, and be leaders in their community by providing: • Computers for students • Chairs, tables, whiteboards, fans and other furniture for the school • Chairs, dryers, scissors, hair products and tools for the beautician classes • Hand tools, materials & equipment for the wood working classes • Masks, welders & supplies for the welding classes • A second building for the Vocational Technical school • Administrative costs for the school office • Solar power batteries, inverters for solar power, and solar panels to run the electricity on the farm and produce enough energy to be self-sustaining and free from paying the high Dominican prices of electricity.
$50, $75, $150, $200,
*Please consider a monthly gift to have a long-term impact on the people of the Dominican Republic.

Access to medicine, healthcare and prenatal care for mothers is vital to the health and well-being of humans world-wide. While the Dominican Republic has free, socialized healthcare for the poorest in society, the reality is most people end up paying for over half of their medical expenses out of pocket, and that’s if you happen to live close enough to actually visit a doctor when needed.
Unfortunately for many in rural communities of the Dominican Republic, the closest medical care is located hours away in the main cities. As of the 2011 World Bank survey, the Dominican Republic only has 1.5 physicians per 1,000 people. Poorly maintained infrastructure and an often-corrupt political system have weakened the country’s capacity to provide efficient & immediate care.
These statistics only worsen when you investigate the discrepancies in healthcare between the more privileged cities and the neglected rural regions. Your donation towards DIGNIFIED HEALTHCARE will help children and families in the rural communities of the Dominican Republic to not only survive but thrive by providing for: • School Bus for mobile medical clinic • Retrofitting of bus to be used as mobile medical clinic • Medical equipment & supplies for use in clinic.
$50, $100, $250, $500,
*Please consider a monthly gift to have a long-term impact on the people of the Dominican Republic.
BASIC SHELTER The typical rural home in the Dominican Republic is constructed of basic wood and scrap materials, often without electricity and running water. These crude shelters offer little protection against frequent tropical storms. Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017 left many without basic shelter. When the most basic need of shelter from physical storms isn’t met, it’s hard to share how Jesus can be one’s spiritual shelter amidst the tempests of life.
Your gift of BASIC SHELTER will help us provide homes for those in need of shelter. Each house costs us $3,500 to build, and we utilize local labor and short-term teams for construction. Meeting the basic need of shelter is an effective way to open doors to deeper conversations about the sacrificial love of Christ.
$50, $100, $250, $500,
*Please consider a monthly gift to have a long-term impact on the people of the Dominican Republic

In addition to providing for the physical needs of the people of the Dominican Republic, M2535 seeks to meet the emotional and spiritual needs of the people even further by partnering with the following ministries: • Dump ministry • Juvenile Detention Center • Children-at-risk Center • Special Needs Home • Youth Rehab Center Additionally, we believe having thriving local churches is vital to each community.
For this reason, we partner with local pastors to plant new churches, providing a place of worship and a small monthly stipend to cover utilities and support the pastor. Your gift to the OTHER DONATION fund will be wisely used where most needed to support these ministry partners, church plants, and the overall ministry of M2535.
$25, $50, $100, $250
*Please consider a monthly gift to have a long-term impact on the people of the Dominican Republic.